You can use Kraft paper as an anti-slip layer between the layers of products on your pallet. Kraft paper board can also be used on the base layer of your pallet to stop it from slipping during transit.
FAQ: Kraft paper
Is Kraft paper environmentally friendly?
Apart from being 100% biodegradable and recyclable, the chemicals used in the Kraft paper pulping process are recovered and reused. By-products such as turpentine and tall oil are re-used in other applications.
What type of wood is used to make Kraft paper?
All types of wood can be used in making Kraft paper including softwoods which are not used in regular paper pulp production. Bambo and pine can also be used in Kraft paper pulp.
Why is Kraft paper better than regular paper for packaging purposes?
Kraft paper is stronger than regular paper for packaging due to its lignin sulphur ratio. It also doesn’t go through a bleaching process which decreases its strength and reduces its elasticity.
Is Kraft paper a good void fill?
Kraft paper is an affordable and superior void fill. Scrunched Kraft paper is used to form a nest inside boxes for fragile objects as it doesn’t move or settle during vigorous motion while in transit. It is much tidier than using packing peanuts and it is environmentally friendly.
Is Kraft paper recyclable?
Yes, Kraft paper can be recycled. It is unbleached, recyclable, compostable, and made from renewable sources.
Does Kraft paper come in different thicknesses and texture?
Kraft weight, colours and textures vary. The GSM refers to the weight and thickness and the range is 40-50 GSM, 60-70 GSM, 80-90GSM and 110-120GSM.
What industries use Kraft paper?
Kraft paper is used in many industries like the cut flower market, postal services, freight companies, eCommerce, the manufacture of boxes and envelopes, the grocery industry and food manufacturing.
Is Kraft paper biodegradable?
Kraft paper is biodegradable because it is made from natural wood pulp which is compostable and is unbleached with minimal chemical treatment.
What is Kraft paper used for?
Kraft paper is strong enough for many industrial and commercial uses. It is used as packaging, wrapping, bundling and void fill. It provides cushioning and wrapped protection for individual items in a bundle or carton.